thanks to Stephenie Meyers who wrote this story and make me crazy about it !
my fantasy was blazed outta my mind, thinking of Edward Cullen -the dreamingvampire- all nights.
that's why i'm very delighted when it adapted to movie, what-a-WOW !
i'm here not to write the movie review (there's so many outside)
just show my interest about this movie.
Twilight Movie is a lovestory about Bella Swan -a human- with Edward Cullen who is a vampire.
lots of romantic but still with thriller and i love that :)
and here is some snapshots from the movie.

thanks to Stephenie Meyers who wrote this story and make me crazy about it !
my fantasy was blazed outta my mind, thinking of Edward Cullen -the dreamingvampire- all nights.
that's why i'm very delighted when it adapted to movie, what-a-WOW !
i'm here not to write the movie review (there's so many outside)
just show my interest about this movie.
Twilight Movie is a lovestory about Bella Swan -a human- with Edward Cullen who is a vampire.
lots of romantic but still with thriller and i love that :)
and here is some snapshots from the movie.

movie poster

Cullen's family

" how old are you ? "
" 17. "
" how long you've been seventeen ? "
"...a while. "

bring it

up and down

around the trees

see the background

nothing will be the same

who will refuse ?
I recomended you to watch this movie !
watch your fantasy,
be careful from Edward-crazyphobia :)

6 comment(s):
hei sas!!!
q dah liat trailernya lho!?!?
sri , aku gak bakal pnah bosen liat twilight ! pengen nonton yang ke3 kalinya !! ayooooook !
to ippa : iyaaaa ppa, aku juga ga bakal bosen mantengin Edward Cullen ! huahuahua. ayo nonton di bioskop pasti seruuu !
to gembul : iya kan mbul, dari trailernya aja uda seru kan, makanya nonton twilight yuk ! hehehehe
OMG!! nggg. ggaa tahann liatt si Robert Pattinson,
rahangnya kekeuh bangettt...
blumb liad film na sii,
blumb baca buku na jugaa..,
but i admire it soooooooo muccccchh!!!
iyaa makanya baca buku & nonton filmnya wii,
aduh ga kebayang deh ntar jadi Edward-Addict !
yeah he's too cool, i adore him too :)
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