Basically you just need a distraction


When suddenly it turns to be cold or your body start to heating up for things you can't adjust or tolerate, basically you just need a distraction.

Let's say, if there's one scene that I never want to be happen is happened..
The possibility about me thinking, "Amnesia would be a better option for this," is approximately 98 %.
Wait, am I starting to precise it out?
And wow, that's kinda high tho?
Such an avoider.

But the womb is also know that you can't be suddenly Amnesia and everything will be a happy calming end. You know what, just go with another option : find some distraction. 

Talking about distraction, usually I put my feet on the dance floor but I need longer time to distract. So, I try to find a new one (in which I die to select what kind of activities)

As you know that I'm not a good cook, ..yet, ...maybe, but I'm not that lame too. I love seeing people cooking something and loving it more when they documented it properly also makes it looks so tempting until I wanna try it (and ends up with burning my kitchen down --BOOM!) (but still, food macro-photography would save it all)

I'm trying some new (super simple) recipes out there (read : instagram) as my distraction. The more I need distraction, the more I cook until the very late night. I did that several times with theme #Edible and posted it on my Snapgram.

That kind of recipe you'll find on the back of Blueband's packaging

They thought it was pork noodle...

Literally Chicken & Lemon. Please don't judge me.

And that was it.
Yes I knoooooow that all of it is just a very berry merry super simple recipe, but learning won't stop here. (inda sick of seeing any quote about learning --side eyeing the job)
As the theme, it's still edible enough and I guarantee that you're not going to be poisoned. Unless I want to, lol.

Maybe I'll routine this up so the cooking itself could level up from "Distraction" to "Routine".
In which I should look for another distraction.
Any advice of doing what?

p.s. For delivering that foodies above, my kitchen is (still) safe. Bless me

Things she never talks about


It's 23:34 p.m. and I want to ask her about things she never talks about, which happened for several times.

She, as a woman, is common to feel that insecurity when she saw something she don't want to see. She understand it well, like very well. She also knows the risk for knowing it.
She admit that she don't like it, but she just couldn't tell.
She wants to make sure whether things that annoyed her would be vanished as soon as possible, but it just couldn't happened.
She just don't want to see anything about it.

And there she is,
Making her own space and receiving the blame to hide it out.
She send an apology the morning after she burst in tears all by herself.
And that's how she relieve the pain.

So I want to ask her this.

My dear she,
Do you ever change?

Because she needs some space