I wrote it when the sun start to rise, it's about half past five in the morning. A bit cold here *sneeze. Tissue please, thanks.
Feeling unusual, my dear bloogy? Do you miss the cold and darkness in the night?
And happy new year, although it's already late.
What if-no, we're not going down today.
Sometimes I just want to sit back and relax, drink hot milk, playlist on my ears, read my favorite book or dance my fingers on easel. No time limit and fly your mind.
No border, no bound, you're free to express anything.
Maybe it's heaven version 0.01
Skip that.
To be honest, I'm sad-or worried-or disappointed with myself.
Do you remember my favorite quote : "You're gonna be okay, you're not that weak?"
Seems like I ruin that statement with something that shouldn't be necessary.
For example, at that time I have so many task to do in the 4 or more different activity. It's classical. I've been there so many times since I entered college life.
I always said to myself that I don't need to feel tired or complain every time about my job because that's my choice.
"Finish what you've start!"
And I see, I don't like see myself who is start complaining every time I feel under pressure.
Who is she? I see someone not me. She isn't me.
That's why, I hope that from now, I could control myself better.
You said stop complaining all time to others, you should do it first, dear myself.
Just remember it.
Sorry for heavy content, and sunlight have already comes to my window.
Make some tea and enjoy your morning, everyone.
p.s. Something comes to my mind, I have to fly it somewhere.

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