Do you sink in the boredom? Boring time on holiday because you're not doing anything or just cuddle in your bed with blanket covering you and cellphone in your hand?
Wanna go somewhere but you're just too lazy to move?
Wasting your time with social networking, buffering youtube, eat, sleep, pee, eat sleep, and pee again?
Pathethic, you know. It's holiday, why you don't start for doing something different with your daily act?
Start from the idea of making a scrap book containing pictures of people in my life, but I don't want the ordinary one. So I made it, just called it Scrap Wall (not creative I know) because I display it on the wall. Simple -eh?
Here we go,
Begin with selecting thousands pictures of people around me, then edit the style so each of the photos is look like taken from polaroid camera -ehehe (Just because I want it so bad, but I don't have enough money to buy). Yayaya I know it's kinda weird.
I wrote some words on each pictures to describe it.
The concept is like hanging clothes on the string.
Select photos, edit, print, cut, clip it on mattress threads, hang it on the wall.
And here it is:
Messy fake-polaroid photos, almost a hundred.
Some Part.
Different Angle, you'll see STI there.
Label : Familia
Other side
I divide it into some parts, like le me, family, besties, friends for life, stupidity, dancers, Russia, CG, MBWG, STI, and HMIF.
People right, you'll see memories through a picture.
The Scrap Wall I made is not well-arranged, but satisfied enough.
Scrap Wall Holiday Project : accomplished!
Next? :)
p.s. Do you want to try some? Different style, maybe? :)

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