i'll tell you simple.
maybe 10th October 2008 would be date we'll never predict before.
my day was goin' as usual.
school, having a half GO course then joined halal bi halal in Telkom,
until i heard that my grandma was in critical condition and my mom told me to stay at home , pray and pray.
suddenly i heard again, mba munah told me with cried.
' mba sasri, ibu barusan telvon, eyang meninggal dunia.'
it goes dark.
my sister & i prepared to go to my grandma's house.
when we arrived there, i went to lia's room, seeing her cried, and so did I.
I told it to my besties and they said their condolencess, and so did my other friends.
i saw my grandma's corpse, it bath process, 'mengkafani', and i can't controled my tears at that time.
my mother said, ' now your mom doesn't have mom again. '
and it make me...drawn to sob.
at 01.30 a.m all of my relatives came,
told them how it happened, and did sholat jenazah.
we were out at 03.00 a.m.
next day, funeral ceremony.
visitors come.
funeral ceremony began, first in my grandma's house then UNNES, last in Bergota.
i saw most of my relatives was cried, some of them just looks ostinate, whatever, i can't controled it.
it ended at 16.00 p.m and continue with tahlilan,
at maghrib, some of my friend comin'
uli nyaa ian mbex keket moki gembul novi rendra kak hana wido dindor silly arsa mas ipin mas ipah, myud too, thx for comin' and your condonlencess.
semua milik Allah akan kembali kepada Allah.
Ya Allah tempatkanlah almarhumah eyang di tempat yang mulia di sisi-Mu,
ampunilah doasa2nya,
terimalah amal ibadahnya,
kuatkanlah kami para keluarga yg telah ditinggalkannya.
selamat jalan, eyang...

i'll tell you simple.
maybe 10th October 2008 would be date we'll never predict before.
my day was goin' as usual.
school, having a half GO course then joined halal bi halal in Telkom,
until i heard that my grandma was in critical condition and my mom told me to stay at home , pray and pray.
suddenly i heard again, mba munah told me with cried.
' mba sasri, ibu barusan telvon, eyang meninggal dunia.'
it goes dark.
my sister & i prepared to go to my grandma's house.
when we arrived there, i went to lia's room, seeing her cried, and so did I.
I told it to my besties and they said their condolencess, and so did my other friends.
i saw my grandma's corpse, it bath process, 'mengkafani', and i can't controled my tears at that time.
my mother said, ' now your mom doesn't have mom again. '
and it make me...drawn to sob.
at 01.30 a.m all of my relatives came,
told them how it happened, and did sholat jenazah.
we were out at 03.00 a.m.
next day, funeral ceremony.
visitors come.
funeral ceremony began, first in my grandma's house then UNNES, last in Bergota.
i saw most of my relatives was cried, some of them just looks ostinate, whatever, i can't controled it.
it ended at 16.00 p.m and continue with tahlilan,
at maghrib, some of my friend comin'
uli nyaa ian mbex keket moki gembul novi rendra kak hana wido dindor silly arsa mas ipin mas ipah, myud too, thx for comin' and your condonlencess.
semua milik Allah akan kembali kepada Allah.
Ya Allah tempatkanlah almarhumah eyang di tempat yang mulia di sisi-Mu,
ampunilah doasa2nya,
terimalah amal ibadahnya,
kuatkanlah kami para keluarga yg telah ditinggalkannya.
selamat jalan, eyang...

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