We meet in the morning light, how coincidence!
Just have some sleep after Marching Band practice last night (..actually this morning).
I think I got fainted after that, oh well that's okay so that we meet now, bloogy.
Class on 9, and I'm still sag in the cuddle of this-ultra-comfort-bed.
Gonna get fast, let's start the morning short break!
A few days ago, I've a random conversation or let's say share session with one of my friend about a problem -his problem.
And what it was?
I won't write it completely because of the limited time.
Which one is deeper, heavier, and you stuck in the consciousness.
It's about restrain again, actually.
You, in your cognition, have to restrain so that the other one won't exceed the first.
Don't ask about how hurt and hard is that.
Let's say..what will you do if in the realization you can't handle it?
Should we choose the ideal condition and play save, or trying to be honest with yourself and follow Johnny Depp's quotation?
It's a difficult choice.
In that short time of babble, my friend said its better to leave it all, all of them.
So we'll have the same score. What a justice.
You can't lie yourself, how hard you forced yourself to restrain it and just pretending like nothing happened.
How long will you survive with pretense?
Final decision is just to be yours and you have to think about it.
And that coincidental conversation ends here, because he had to do his job that time and I had to practice (again).
Enough is enough.
It's really morning now..with unique date 11-11-11.
Are you ready to start your day?
p.s. Guess we need to meet in the morning more often, bloogy.

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