...And we meet in the middle of night again, disappointed?
You can take a deep breath because I won't be so long crashing you with my unspeakable chit-chat.
I'm in the middle of deadlines-weekend deadlines- for sure.
So I take my time for a while, here with you, release the force then go back to work.
My dear bloogy,
Your guess is right, satisfied?
I'm talkin' about that, restrain is not effective. I'm trying, but still it didn't work well.
I wonder why, is it that superb so not that easy to erase all things, what we've talk, what we've done before?
I never wonder why is it that hard to make it neutral.
Or because the denial came from presence of mind.
But, for God sake, I don't have any other choice except release all the things.
Restrain is doesn't enough.
Okay, deadlines is waiting.
Smell ya later.
p.s. I just don't want to ruin it all, my friend. Even though we've already know what's between.

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