I'm still wake up after 13 hours journey from my hometown to Bandung.
Traffic congestion, as always.When is the time of flying-car revolution?
Fortunately, It's all healed with one of my favorite food and stupid conversations. Thanks for the time.
Sleepy and dizzy comes, makes me want to sleep right now but I've to wrote something before I jump to my bed (although now I'm on my bed).
Hurry. what do you want to talk, bloogy? Smart choice and light topic, please.
I think it's gonna be a short post.
I never imagine before how fun it is when you do an impulsive activity.
But now, I enjoy it.
Sometimes, impulsive is better than a well-planning activity.
You need it, impulsive, to make differences between your daily (-and usual) activities.
Do a random thing with random people! Try a new thing with new people!
How big is your curiosity about that two statement above?
Not that big? Or this big?
Sometimes, you just need to be impulsive.
Because of that, you will know how "fun" it is.
Laterm I'll write more about impulsive.
But for now, it's enough, dizzy dizzy everywhere.
p.s. I've done it 2 times today, oh well.

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