so it was aaaw-some !
Started at 01.00 p.m. until 01.00 a.m. in Sasana Budaya Ganesha, with thousands people there.
A little bit regret because I was comin' late so I missed Endah 'n Rhesa performance *grrr Marching Band practice*
Then I went there with Sandy, Iqbal, Otum, and the others FTSL guys. Yeah, I'm the only girl (again) and the missing one. Most of my girl friends didn't come or they came with their boyfriend *uhuk jealous uhuk*. So there I was, pretending like a boy while hanging out with them.
Err. I miss my girl side. LOL
ASEAN Culture Performance, Angsa Srigala, Endah 'n Rhesa, Efek Rumah Kaca, The S.I.G.I.T, Ecoutez !, Maliq and D'essentials, and Glenn Fredly as closing, I think paying Rp 52.500 for the Symphonesia 2009 ticket is worth enough.
Sing all along the performance and take a lot of pictures.
And you know what - almost the song here was all about love. I mean sadlovestories, brokenhearted, complicated, bla bla sad mode : on.
Single people shooted !
Okay, I'm in.
Overall, Symphonesia 2009 was great, and I'd love to come again next year. hehe :)
And here is some pictures. Sorry, no pictures about us because the camera battery was exhausted. gezz
Guitarist from Ecoutez !
Glenn Fredly
Maliq and D'essentials
Ecoutez !
The S.I.G.I.T
p.s. Oh yeah, I wore a skirt there, count me in :p

6 comment(s):
lho sas. itu yg unpad bukan? denger2 tiketnya cuma 30ribu? aku mau ERK sama The S.I.G.I.T :(
iyaa itu unpad.
aduh kata siapa 30 ribu hehe aslinya 60 ribu, kalo ber-10 jadi 52.500, tiket calo malah 250ribu. hehe
ayoooo makanya kesini ntiiiiik hehehe
waktu itu aku liat di status twitternya dandi kalo gak salah. huhu aku mau ERK, mocca, the S.I.G.I.T eh sas link blog ku :p
hello baby :)
your writing has improved soooo much! I'm glad to read the few last post. semangat ya sas! :D
btw, violinist nya angsa serigala temen aku loh hahaha *dikeplak*
Terimakasih udah datang ke acara Symphonesia 2009,,,tahun depan datang lagi yaa :)
@ anti : udah sayang. ayo kalo adalagi nonton hehe
@ icha : thank you so much baby, berkat kamu juga hehe *oyaaa ? kenalin hahahaha
@ rere : okay, nice event. salut deh ya :)
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