Start to breathe and fake a smile
It's all the same after a while
(Come Back Down - Lifehouse)
The lyrics of the song above is sound familiar with someone's life, guess you know who is it.
So, I see people around me are so happy with their life. Seeing others' happiness is an awesome thing, you can feel it that they're happy, and I like it, I appreciate it.
But let's ask the basic question to yourself,
"Are you happy now?"
What would you answer? Are you really that happy?
"You're not forcing yourself to be happy, don't you?"
What would you answer? Are you forcing yourself, to be happy?
Well just answer it, If you sure enough, it's not hard answer questions type.
If you're happy, be grateful. If not, everyone deserves to be happy.
We deserve it, I deserve it.
And you too, you deserve to be happy.
So, please.
p.s. Yes I'm happy, but no, maybe I'm not.

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