It's 3 a.m.
Trying to sleep, but no use. Exam on Friday morning, but seems like I have no intention to open the slides.
No, I won't write such a mello-dramatic post like what I did in the past 2 months.
Weak and disappointing, I know, you know, we know.
Read it again and I'll delete all the archives.
So, what the hell I am doing right now?
Staying up all night?
Do you think that staying up all night is a cool thing or something? Maybe you'll miss the day without sleeping pills after you have your insomnia.
Writing inspirational post?
What, wait, who? No such an inspirational post here. Red cross on the right top of your screen, go click it. My suggestion.
Thinking about unthought things?
Well, not now, Sir. I have that moment in the other time.
With someone said, "I don't believe in tears. So stop crying," in front of you, do you still mind to cry?
Do nothing?
At least, I'm typing.
Go sleep.
A moment.
I'll count until 3.
Mind to make it 10?
3. Done.
Just go to your bed or..
Break the wall with my head to see how stubborn I am.
We should make a deal.
You think?
Kind of.
Surprise me.
I'll go for the real.
Say it.
What to say?
It must be fun to be like this all day, huh?
Like it seems.
Seems to be.
You believe?
As I thought.
You need it.
No one can.
I'll talk to my self so people gets me crazy.
Hey, it's you and me.
It's me after all.
What for?
To make you don't have any courage to "talk" with anybody except me and God.
So, it's not anybody. You're in.
Have a sleep, for real.
Maybe I won't say no.
And remember, your previous post is not weak and disappointing. It's your rights, your free land is here, don't listen what they say about your post. You look weak for sometimes, doesn't mean that it's a failure.
Don't expect too much, who's into you anyway? who's understand you? No one. No one have it. You're hated, free, independent, you're gonna be okay with it.
Limited time, I'll see you in a better way.
In the end, all I want to do is...just outpouring my mind.
With anyone, who can understand.
Although there is no one, except me and God.

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