So exams is over, wish for the best result and reach my target.
Randomly, I'm writing you some of my depressed.
Today is not good. Not good.
I talk about stupidity, not you. Don't praise yourself.
Having (some) conflict again, I don't like it and I don't want to make it far enough.
The important things in a friendship is not about essence, but how we're going through this with our own way.
Please understand, we shouldn't be like this.
Let's be normal, kids.
Out from stupidity,
You know, the closer to the date of the mark, I'm not even happier.
Not mainstream, because for normal people, they should be happy, but not for me. Wonder why.
People said, I must be grateful.
People congratulates me.
But why I'm not even happier?
Seems like I want to skip all the things and make it free.
I don't want to say that word, I promise myself.
But for now, it almost, almost the limit.
Would somebody mind to let me free?
Or I should ask for umpteenth times to make it happen?

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