So this is the end of December, this is the end of 2010.
Many things happened, whether it was a good, bad or silly memories. I can't tell it one on one, anyway 2010 is awesome.
Some of my resolutions was successfully completed (even accomplished almost in the end of December - yeah you know what, get your laugh if you want), but some of them haven't yet.
Like the last year, I wouldn't wrote my resolutions on blog or social networking because it's a personal thing.
Curious ? Get enter my room, and see the wall after I kicked you with my high kick -- okay I'm joking.
Me, just celebrate new year with family, without fireworks and party, just doing nothing but who cares as long it's with your family ?
Anyway, Happy New Year 2011, have a blast !
Hope it gonna be an awesome year.
Hug and High kick,