Kick 2010, 2011 !


So this is the end of December, this is the end of 2010.
Many things happened, whether it was a good, bad or silly memories. I can't tell it one on one, anyway 2010 is awesome.
Some of my resolutions was successfully completed (even accomplished almost in the end of December - yeah you know what, get your laugh if you want), but some of them haven't yet.
Like the last year, I wouldn't wrote my resolutions on blog or social networking because it's a personal thing.
Curious ? Get enter my room, and see the wall after I kicked you with my high kick -- okay I'm joking.

Me, just celebrate new year with family, without fireworks and party, just doing nothing but who cares as long it's with your family ?
Anyway, Happy New Year 2011, have a blast !
Hope it gonna be an awesome year.

Hug and High kick,

I don't need any other romantic scene


Do you remember that I ever posted something about romantic scene last few months ? Well, I think it was gone after I heard this sentence last few days :

"After prayers, there are 3 things I always pray : ask for forgiveness, family, then you."

I lost my words, congratulations.

p.s. Well, you don't have doing anything else, this is more than enough :')

Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary Mom & Dad !


Happy 20th Wedding Anniversary Mom & Dad !

I wish for the best like I said in video and I wish I were there, sorry :(
I'm glad you like it, I miss and love you :)

We can because we believe and we believe because we can


Currently listening Happy Birthday by Ten2Five, It would be nice if this song heared in my birthday #forget it, anyway yesterday was my little sister-monster birthday, happy birthday mons, sometimes I miss you little bit :p

So, it's about 13 days to go, MBWG for GPMB.
No words can describe how it feels, how their face, how our sacrifice, our happiness, tired, sadness, tears, love, and emotion blended, how the practices, no words can describe it.
It doesn't matter with the result but let's give our best, our journey is more and more meaningful.
At last, I'm proud of being with you all, even word proud isn't enough for describe it.
Like Ode said, "We can because we believe and we believe because we can."
Because we are, Marching Band Waditra Ganesha..
Go get it, geeks ! :)

p.s. something stuck on my mind and I hate it, please go away.

It's not that fun, it needed.


(December, 3rd 2010)

The friday night, Is it fun ?

Why I asked about friday night, not saturday nght which is very stereotype ?
I just realize and found something that maybe contrary with my habbit.

A thousand faces, Is it fun ?

I ever wrote about the advantages of having a thousand faces, people won't realize your real feeling so you don't have to be worried for some reasons.
But, you'll be forced to smile when you're sad, hear when you don' want to hear, act like nothing happened when you're in regret and sometimes want to cry. I won't say that it is weak or it is coward. No, not at all.
I'm the person that often use the thousand faces for some reasons.
Not all the smile and the laugh is the real one.
Sometimes I have to laugh in order not to hurt the feelings of others, or laugh so that others do not know what I feel.
How hypocritical.

Fake expression, Is it fun ?

You may called me a liar for having fake expression, but it needed sometimes
Don't let something easy to let you down, don't let you cry for something that doesn't needed for it, don't let your friends always asks you with the same question, "What happens ? Why you look so sad ?"
Actually for me, that kind of question is really hard to answer because I don't want to look weak and make people think, "Hey you're not supposed to be weak like that."
Then here I am, almost keep it all alone except from some people. This time I really miss my old besties although the story is different from their life now and hard to tell it.

Why you still tend using it, is it fun ?

It's not that fun, It needed.
I want to be the me anywhere without the thousand faces and said, "Hello, this is me. Are you okay if I'm the person like this ?"

p.s. I didn't mean to let you have thousand faces, don't until you have it

This is the month, this is December


So let's greet the first day of December.
Many people has tweet their #decemberwish on Twitter.
Most of it contain of nice mark on exams, their lovelive and so on.
What's so special about December, actually ?

I'm totally sure that my Marching Geeks and I have the same thing.
This is the month, this is December. It's already December.

GPMB 2010.
Just that, just these word in mind.
What it will be ?

All the emotion had mixed, I can't described it clearly.
But, I'm sure that we are going to show the best there, we'll be.
I trust you, geeks. And I won't ever dissapoint you.
I'll show you my best. We'll show you our best.
Because we are one team, Marching Band Waditra Ganesha.

p.s. Pray us for the best :)

Something strange happens


What will you say when something strange happens inside of you?
You do not know why it happened and you just told this to one person you've never told before.

Strange and weird.
and I do not know why I write this.

Why so strange.

Today Flavour in Tumblr


So finally I publish my tumblr site
  • Today Flavour in Tumblr

  • I have it since a long time ago, first I use it as a secret trash but some people found it, so yeah like this.
    I wrote in another style, which is in informal language and not all wrote in English.
    The concept still the same with this blog, Today Flavour.
    But the Flavour contains my daily life, silly things, and love life (-eh?).
    Wheter in here, I use English and wrote my random thought about anything.

    So if you have time, you can have some tea too there.
    Catch you later ! :)

    p.s. This blog still the best, you've accompany me for about 3 years. Big hugs :)

    Hello, I Miss You.


    Just miss them, just that.

    Great tone colour


    Thank you for Arini who had photographed and edited this picture and Andhika who took mine.
    The colour tone was just great :)

    Continue or Stop ?


    Well, glory to see you again with the random things that haunted me for about this week.
    Tommorow is Idul Adha and I really want to go home and meet my family.
    But maybe, this is not the time :(

    "Continue or Stop ?"
    That's a usual question when you have to make a decision.
    Let's make an anology.

    If you continue, you'll ruin the friendship and relationship in the future, but you'll feel relieved whatever the outcome.
    If you stop, we are going to bear it alone, enduring feelings and regret, but there won't be a big risk for the relationship.

    What to choose - Continue or stop ?
    Call me a risk taker for the continue choice.
    Call me a coward for the stop.
    And I might be inclined to stop.

    What will you choose ?

    p.s. I hate you, the coward side.

    Boyfriend(s) for our dream


    I'm sorry September, these things are my boyfriends until December.
    Pray us for the best.
    For our dream, GPMB 2010.

    p.s. one more month, wish us luck !

    Arak - arakan Wisuda HMIF Oktober 2010


    Here some snapshots from the past Arak - arakan Wisuda HMIF Oktober 2010
    The theme is : Phantom of The Opera
    And we performed Live street drama, Marching Band, Stick dance by boys, Girl Dance and Couple dance.
    Happy Graduation :)

    I'll try to be as neutral as possible


    Meet the first of the gloomy night in the November, fortunately tonight the rain doesn't come.
    What I'm doing ? What are you doing ?
    I'm doing nothing. Do you ?
    Just like the old habbit, randomly post in the middle of night or maybe in the early morning.
    Taking a break from my routine activities and tasks which is being postponed.
    What should I wrote now ?

    The playlist always know what's the condition now.
    Maybe it's a 2 in 1, music playlist and mind-reader.
    Skip that thing.

    So, I'm concerned with a people and I give him more attention than others.
    But yesterday, I'm just being ignored and it encourages my ego to get away as far as possible.
    My self-esteem and prestige are the winners.
    It's like jump and fall.
    So now, I set myself to look like nothing happened.
    I attempted not to look care with him.
    I'll try to be as neutral as possible.
    It's the time to use my speciality : a thousand masks for covering my expressions and attitudes
    and expect everything to be forgotten.

    p.s. This is hard but not impossible

    if the feeling does not change, then what's the point of time?


    Welcome, hectic month, November.
    For the next 30 days, I'll practice everyday for GPMB.
    Wish everything okay like my mom said, " Take care of your HEALTH and HEALTH and HEALTH! " You could hear that everytime if your mom were a doctor.

    So, what's so special ?
    No, I think. Maybe just a bit sound of cliche so that you'll be a little bored for hearing it.
    Talking about the change of feeling, what do you feel now ?
    Falling In Love ? Sad ? Regret ? Mad ? Mixed ? or you don't know what you feel ?
    Any words that describe your feeling now is just a word.
    You won't know until its change.

    What I want to share now is, when you have a different feeling for someone - I don't know if it's included in the category of 'Fall in love' or not- and you're totally sure that he/she is the one and only that you would care about.
    Or just like this,

    Someday you're totally sure that you've crush on him/her
    As the time goes on, you never get the response back.
    And at that time, a new person comes into your life.
    When you realize, you didn't feel anything again to your past crush.
    Your feelings have changed.
    But that time, that person from the past give the late response back to you.
    Now you have two choices.

    In this time, we'll say "Why should it now ? Why not sooner ?"
    We like to blame time of the changes in our feelings at that time.
    Well then,
    "If the feeling doesn't change, then what's the point of time ?"

    p.s. Maybe I should stop to pay attention to you

    I'll eat that word : Tired


    So I left you cold again, bloogy.
    And I haven't wrote here and that last September 29th was my 19th birthday.
    Do I look old already ? I hope not.
    But It was amazing, the best birthday bash I got from one to another one, I blessed for having them around. Thank you sooo much!

    So, what I want to share in here is about TIRED.
    That kind of word that always haunted me everyday which is fulfilled by many routine and random activities beside college thingy.
    You're right, now I'm doing GPMB practices and TC (Training Camp), PINKA 2010, handling Home Tournament HMIF 2010 as organizer and player in some of divisions, handling graduation night and the parade as performer (one thing that looks similiar is : I train some boys for a performance).
    That's not includes Tubes, UTS, and many more.

    My activities above is just an example.
    What I'm feeling the most is : Tired.
    You wanna scream like, "I need a break!" or " Please, would you let me cut it off for just one day?", etc

    The thing that I didn't like is when someone that haven't many activities like we do said, " Aaah I'm tired! I wanna sleep!" or "I wanna go home asap, I'm tired, I haven't studying and doing homeworks!" or "I'm tired, I want to study for the exam tommorow" and bla - bla - bla - the other blah.

    It's like, "Helloooo what are you doing ? Did you know what I'm doing ? And you keep saying those word ? Tired ?"
    Wondering that they were in our position is like..never happened.
    What would they said ? "I'm die" ?
    Geez I hate it.

    So what I want to get through this is, don't until thos word 'tired' eventually said everytime you doing something.
    Did you know that it's just the same that you've just drowned your spirit yourself by saying that.

    Eat that word!
    Don't ever say 'Tired' before you're really feel it and your body can't handle it.
    Believe me, that word just a negative sugestion for you, especially procrastinator.

    p.s. Just take care of your health, the one who know your condition is yourself.

    I mean your attention


    What's on the top ? Holiday is the answer!
    I found so many people type the words : 'Finally' or 'Welcome holiday!' or 'Happy holiday everyone' in their social networking.
    What so special about holiday then ?
    Of course it's SUPER special for me who haven't got 'pure holiday' last 2 months.
    Hope this 10-days-holiday could satisfied me.

    Okay then.

    So the topic I wanna share is about 'Getting attention'.
    "Pay attention when there is people who is talking in front of you!"
    "Please pay attention when the lecturer explaining something!"

    No, not that things.
    First thing that come up is about a scene when a girl trying hard to get her crush's attention or on the contrary.
    Am I talking about love again ? Oh not like that - or yeah I think so. Just a little bit.

    Have you ever tried to get someone's attention while his/her just didn't realize -or maybe- ignored it ?
    Thats usual.
    Or the other case is you want to get the A's attention, but the one that getting interest with you is B's, or C's or others that you didn't 'hope' for.
    Thats usual, too.

    And all things happened makes you want to say : " I want your attention ! Not theirs." or "Why do you keep ignoring me ?"
    Oh, how stereotype.
    But thats what usually happens here, I'm sure enough that almost of you ever experienced with it.

    What should we do ?
    Keep trying to get his/her attention. How ?
    Give up soon. Why ?
    Not that all.

    The way to get it is depend on you, each of you.
    Try to think how to get attention. Whatever you act cool or give his/her jokes or become their 'friends' first, all is up to you.
    Learn your target's characteristics, what things that make them interest.
    Set your plan, and moving forward.
    Hope would result a nice ending.

    When I'm writing this post, It's like I'm talking with myself.
    Actually I wrote it based on my experiences right now.
    How hard to get the attention while you've already done everything.
    And I realize, "Oh, It's not that easy! It's not like you talking comfortably with your buddies."

    Once, when I'm successed got the attention then here was come, the distractor.
    And, good bye attention. See you later.
    Or when I'm pretty sure that he would give attention to me about what I've done, but the others just came up and he isn't.
    Ok, that was bad.
    I hope that your experience isn't that bad.

    Hello you there, I mean your attention.

    p.s. Hug your holiday, you'll never know how amazing it feels.

    Crazy Wendy's

    HELLO !

    So last saturday night My MBWG friends & I went to Wendy's in Braga, Bandung after a full day of practice and training for PINKA 2010.
    Here some snapshots.
    We got a rule there :)

    Ajeng & Firman, the oldest.

    Sorry, he already reserved.

    We have the same glasses

    They look cute together


    from the outside

    and take a picture again

    they were happy too

    and we were.

    Most pictures taken by me so I didn't present a lot there.
    Anyway, It was fun for relieveing the past hectic week.
    Thanks, friends.

    p.s. How about your satnite, then ?