Meet the first of the gloomy night in the November, fortunately tonight the rain doesn't come.
What I'm doing ? What are you doing ?
I'm doing nothing. Do you ?
Just like the old habbit, randomly post in the middle of night or maybe in the early morning.
Taking a break from my routine activities and tasks which is being postponed.
What should I wrote now ?
The playlist always know what's the condition now.
Maybe it's a 2 in 1, music playlist and mind-reader.
Skip that thing.
So, I'm concerned with a people and I give him more attention than others.
But yesterday, I'm just being ignored and it encourages my ego to get away as far as possible.
My self-esteem and prestige are the winners.
It's like jump and fall.
So now, I set myself to look like nothing happened.
I attempted not to look care with him.
I'll try to be as neutral as possible.
It's the time to use my speciality : a thousand masks for covering my expressions and attitudes
and expect everything to be forgotten.
p.s. This is hard but not impossible

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