i'm sorry for late update because i don't know what i'll write first here.
i've sooo many things that i want to describe.
then i choose this topic,
most people said that, 'highschool is the best moment ever'.
do you think so ? i did.
my padepokan class farewell party has held in Bandungan, last saturday 'till sunday (11 - 12 July 2009) in the same villa when i had my middle highschool class farewell party last year.
hey buddies, i think that was 'the best moment ever' in my highschool time.
yes. it was.
like usual farewell party, we share, we sing, we laugh, we had lot of jokes, taking so many pics, cooking together, BBQ party continue with bonfire time, and the last.. 'afterthought time'.
i can't describe how amazed it was.
the night when our tears become the witness.
we talked open-minded, we shared, we apologized for the faults, we remember the moment of this 1 year, we cried, we sang along, we gave hugs each other and sank into our ambience.
aaaarghh, this make me miss them more and more :(
from the night talks, nyak & i confess & apologize to andika about our big faults to him, and the result was unsuspectly out from our think.
he approved our apologize and just let it go like nothing happened. how kind..
we're seriously sorry... :(
i can't tell you for the details because it'll need so many pages.
but i'll type some words that stick into my mind,
" if you think that you'll miss your friends after 2-3 days from now, i have already thought it for long time ago." - ff
"don't push someone to get along our way, but push ourself to the their ways." -fw
" we won't ever realize how important friends are, until we lost them. " -dm
i'm sorry for late update because i don't know what i'll write first here.
i've sooo many things that i want to describe.
then i choose this topic,
most people said that, 'highschool is the best moment ever'.
do you think so ? i did.
my padepokan class farewell party has held in Bandungan, last saturday 'till sunday (11 - 12 July 2009) in the same villa when i had my middle highschool class farewell party last year.
hey buddies, i think that was 'the best moment ever' in my highschool time.
yes. it was.
like usual farewell party, we share, we sing, we laugh, we had lot of jokes, taking so many pics, cooking together, BBQ party continue with bonfire time, and the last.. 'afterthought time'.
i can't describe how amazed it was.
the night when our tears become the witness.
we talked open-minded, we shared, we apologized for the faults, we remember the moment of this 1 year, we cried, we sang along, we gave hugs each other and sank into our ambience.
aaaarghh, this make me miss them more and more :(
from the night talks, nyak & i confess & apologize to andika about our big faults to him, and the result was unsuspectly out from our think.
he approved our apologize and just let it go like nothing happened. how kind..
we're seriously sorry... :(
i can't tell you for the details because it'll need so many pages.
but i'll type some words that stick into my mind,
" if you think that you'll miss your friends after 2-3 days from now, i have already thought it for long time ago." - ff
"don't push someone to get along our way, but push ourself to the their ways." -fw
" we won't ever realize how important friends are, until we lost them. " -dm

i really, really love & miss you PADEPOKAN. thank you for the unforgetable year.
we are family and this is my best class ever after.
our togetherness lasts forever.
hugs & kisses,
p.s. this post dedicated to you all, my amazing guys. i miss you. hiks ;(
hugs & kisses,
p.s. this post dedicated to you all, my amazing guys. i miss you. hiks ;(
5 comment(s):
im crying when read your post, dear :((
jangan lupa 11 july taun depan :)
nice post. nice class. I wish my people were like yours too.. hahaha
pssst. keep it quite ;)
@ ippa : ga akan lupa ! kita pasti kumpul2 lagi ! hhu ;(
@ icha : ssst, you'll get it this year baby (in the university) hehe amin. thank you :)
Kalo aku inget waktu itu...
Aku jadi sadar,,
Temenku mungkin cuma kalian...
Jadi takut,,
Kalo nanti gak punya temen seperti kalian lagi...
Wis ah
@ andika : hehe jgn takut, nanti kamu juga ke depannya bakal nemuin temen yg mungkin lebih baik dari kita semua. tapi don't ever forget our togetherness yaa. padepokan itu kenangan terindah di masa sma. hhe :)
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