enjoy your lonely time


back to real life, real world i stay.
i was typing my chemistry report then i posted it.

ternyata, trend bawa BEKAL ke sekolah itu bisa dibilang berhasil.
di kelas padepokan, lumayan nambah personil baru : MITA & ATAX.
sekarang biasanya tiap istirahat pertama, langsung ngumpul masing - masing para pembawa bekal.
ada nih fotonya tapi blom diupload gara - gara kabel data hilang. huhu
bayangin deh,
kalo sekelas bawa bekal semua pasti seru. ya gak ? hahaha
rame - rame makan bekal bareng sekelas, lucu juga tuh.

contrary from above,
seminggu lagi semesteran.
iya. semesteran.
semesteran = ujian = belajar = makin deket UAN = stress.
hell yeah,
walopun ada beberapa dari kita yang kelas 3 masih santai - santai serasa di pantai ( termasuk saya ) tapi ini bener - bener cukup serius.
pokoknya harus niat belajar, jangan tidur di kelas, jangan meleng kalo lagi di GO, jangan tergoda sama yang namanya internet, bla bla bla so on.
nyatanya semua socialsite ku uda pada ga keurus.
( hello, apa kabar FS, FaceBook, MySpace, ym, Deviantart, etc ? )
tapi blog diusahain masih lah. semoga. walopun jarang posting.

akhir - akhir ini -engga tau kenapa- i'm started to enjoy my lonely time.
it's not like i'm being (real) autism with no friends and blind from around - big no NO.
sometimes, i had it.
mostly, when i go home by myself ( no pick up, no nebeng) or you can say : bus, alone.
i don't know why,
when i was waiting for the bus (although it is soooo long) i'm not bored anymore
-while waiting is boring and i hate to wait-
i really enjoyed it.

all my inspiration comes out, my sadness, my disapointment, my happiness and i'm free to express it because people on the bus didn't expect me and as i am.
sekali - kali berasa autis but not real autism.
it's good.
wanna try ?

how precious it is ?


sometimes, i want to blame my self.

Because of my own unrealized about one thing.
One thing that maybe some people almost forget - included me- .

I even know that all my day just spent by wasted it, consider it useless and disapointing.

A little contrary couldn't be compared to make it balance and proportionate.
.. and people & I just let it go, don't care, don't mind ?

They don't need anything except their own happiness, contentment, satisfaction and neglect their own sins, fault, wickedness.

Never think how precious it is, how it makes us taste our life and we just thoughtless and waste it as far as we wind our crime cases that we made before.

Feelin' that we own our rule, exhausting our day with no aim as though we will last forever while the peninsula wait on the top and we still come close to it but never realized.

it's run, but we just stay.
stay and won't walk away.
then it gone.

after it, we just can say our regret.
and we had just realized that it is too late.
how do you feel ? fed up ?

from now on,
try to consider, respect, appraise your TIME.
because it will never come back to you.


i wrote this on the way back to my home, waiting for the bus came, 27th November 2008 17.11 p.m.
( re-edited in school break time - today )
inspired by : my bad habits about time which hard to remove.


new trend in padepokan : bawa BEKAL ke sekolah


all smells good ?
and my class tastes good !
so, let;s get on the topic.


terinspirasi dari blulbo ippa tentang hal yang sama.
mungkin bagi kalian yang di kelas lain uda sering kali ya bawa bekal gitu ke sekolah,
di sini juga, dimulai dari nyaa yang selalu bawa bekal tiap hari akhirnya merembet dan merembet.
lucunya ga cuma cewek aja, cowok juga.
kenapa para lelaki bisa ikut - ikutan bawa bekal ?

waktu habis olahraga minggu lalu, hariz bawa bekal ke sekolah.
dia makan di kelas, lahap pula.
satrio a.k.a tabiez ngeliatin, ngeliatin terus.
akhirnya dia komentar ke hariz,

" riz, moso lanang bawa bekal ke sekolah ? "

batinku, wah hariz bakal diejekin nih gara - gara cowok bawa bekal.
eh, dengan santai dia jawab,

" ya gag apa to ya. kan hemat. "

tabiez mikir. trus komentar,

" ah, besok aku njaluk ibuku masake ah. ben nggawa bekal. "

hahaha. ternyata dia malah kepingin.
malah sekarang dia yang paling santer bawa bekal.
bekalnya bo', segudang !

akhirnya, malah janjian bawa bekal gitu ke sekolah.
sementara sih baru sekitar 33 % anak yg bawa alias 13 orang.
tapi pasti bakal nambah lagi deh.

ini nih, jajaran pembawa bekal di padepokan :

satrio tabiez
fajar fitrianto
kak hana

bakal nambah lagi sih, katanya si ilham juga pengen. aji juga tapi cuma bawa bekal sendok alias minta. hha. pengikut setianya si petex alias bagian minta mintain makanan.
wah pokoknya seru.
lucu kaya anak TK gitu makan bareng, hemat lagi.
kurang apa coba ?
tapi si yogie tuh ga cukup cuma makan bekal, tetep aja dia masih laper trus beli makan lagi. ckckck.
pokoknya SERU !
populerin juga ya di kelas kamu,
ato perlu kita satu SMA 3 makan bekal bareng di kantin ? haha


promote : sasri @ deviantArt


just promote my deviantart here,
some pics that i've already uploaded.
feel free to visit :
leave some comment too,
enjoy my whatever-amateur snapshot.
thank you :)


bear && hand

try to jump


i love saturday :)


i'm here again, sitting and writting in front of my PC and start to crawl my saturday.
i really love this saturday.
this is my saturday_x.
i will post it not only in english yaa soalnya bosen juga ni lama-lama. haha
so what's up with saturday ?
i've 5 which make me happy.
so here it is :


bukan, maksudnya bukan rusuh tawuran gitu tapi ini gara - gara presentasi english 2nd group ( group legend yang licik. hha ) yang asli heboh, ya kan ppa ?
jadi sebelum mereka presentasi tuh hompimpa dulu buat nentuin siapa moderatornya.
jahatnya, mereka kompakan ngerjain si ilham a.k.a hidung buat ngejadiin dia moderator.
jadilah semua (kecuali ilham) hompimpa pake tangan telungkup.
" hom pim pa ! "
BEEE. kena deh ilham tapi dia ga terima gitu. haha
akhirnya yang kepilih ippa, salah stategi. nasibmu ya nak. hha
ada dokumentasinya tapi belum aku upload ni sabar. hha

habis itu presentasi gila - gilaan pas sesi tanya jawab.
pertamanya semua tenang. oke. tenang.
akhir - akhirnya uda pada begundalan, naik meja, rebutan pertanyaan. rusuh.
sampe ada sistem diskualifikasi kalo angkat tangan duluan.
waaa. seru deh waktu itu.
nice job ! :)


ini nih, kita buat dosa lagi.
jadi pertamanya aku, mami sarsa, rezta, sinta, bott ngumpul di depan lassterix buat ngobrol soal nchong, terus merembet ke cerita sinta, akhirnya kita ganti tempat.
jadilah, di deket kamar mandi samping greenhouse.
pertamanya sih cuma ber-5,
trus dateng para jamaat gossip, uli, juju, pemz.
naah. disitu tambah seru.
rezta mami cerita tentang afgan. hahaha kocak.
wah banyak banget deh kayaknya mpe hampir jam 2 tuh kita ngobrol.
bener - bener refreshing.


jadi habis itu aku & sinta jalan ke depan, mau beli siomay skalian ngobrol lagi.
eh, ada fikar.
jadilah kita gossip bertiga.
hampir 2 jam ga kerasa. haha
paling seru waktu dapet ilmunya sinta tentang bluebird.
mau tau ?
tanya aja ke orangnya :)
mana ada bapak - bapak aneh ngliatin ( aku si ga kliatan maaf yaa ) bolak - balik mulu, kayaknya ngincer sinta deh. hha
jam 4 kita bubaran.
aku pulang bareng lia, dia pas lagi sama si adit tuh.
kurang ajar aku diejekin pendek bonsai gitu sama anak satu itu.
ga liat badan dia apa ? :P
energi gossip full tank.


jadi, malem - malem diajak mbex liat latsar.
eh, ternyata boleh sama ibu. tumben. yauda deh. hhe tapi ga bole pulang malem.
sampe sana, malah diajakin ke DP.
perjalanan malah foto - foto di jalan raya.
wah fotografer mengundang nyawa deh,
thank you for : fafa kawin.
fotonya blum aku minta nih. hhu
sampe DP juga foto - foto di eskalator.
best moment. kangen sama anak - anak semua :)

ada pemilihan top model, dandanannya serem semua. hho
eh malah di DP misah.
akhirnya balik ke skola, aku disuruh pulang.
pas nebeng mbex, ketemu para ROMLI ( ROMBONGAN LIAR ) a.k.a para lelaki baru pulang dari DP.
kunci motor mbex DIAMBIL, motornya DIBERONDONG sampe ke depan kanopi.
padahal itu uda sampe depan SD kanisius.
curanmor pemirsa. itu curanmor.
akhirnya mau ga mau kita balik lagi,
mereka sih ketawa ketiwi gitu dasar jail banget sumpah.
tapi mau marah juga ga bisa, geli sih soalnya. haha
sayang ni aku ga bisa ikut nginep. hhu
jam setengah10 pulang.

5. :)

this make me smile terusss. hha
3 hours 'til morning.


yes, that's all my 5 things which make this saturday was amazing.
i wish i'll have it again. hhe
i love saturday.

J for ...


quick post.
( if you don't understand what it is mean, just let it go. it's not important )

log in.

search name : _ _ _

found 1 of 1.

page loaded.

view photos.

click to view.

*loading photo...*

" first... "

next photo,

" ..second.. "

next photo,

" ...third. "

*getting closer to see it clearly*

" Oh My. "



close the page.


comment ?
one word, and started with J.
arrgh. i hatehatehate.


getting bored


...and hello again.
why i am still here and typing ?
don't i'm not allowed to use internet ?
do i steal time to post it ?
no. no way.
let you guess. hha
and whenever i have a chance to post, mostly i dont know what to do, what to say, what to write.
huahhm. you bored ?
yes ?
no ?
thank you, go on.

last night i had a talk again with my parents about future.
sure, USM I STT Telkom is one month again from yesterday.
i asked that i should join the first USM or the second.
they have no-no.
it means, whatever.
the USM I will be held on 14th December 2008
the USM II will be held on 14th March 2009.
what do you think ?
you have no to answer it. hha x)

Sunday morning was wonderful.
tired but not lots.

and i'm happy :)
can't share here because it's not for publicity.
kinda kiddin'.

while i'm typing it, i found this pic.
taken in Java Language lesson when we watched Dewa Ruci.
it's not concepted at all, real pure but weird.
could you guess what's wrong with it ?

Aji && Fajar
same style is good

what again ?
you started to bored ?
congratulations. this post will be ended soon.
smell ya later.

exist decreasement


back with the new look, is it too simple ? :P
actually i wanna write lot of things happened in this week but surely, i'm feel it again : lazy.

FYI, from now, my parents command me to less my internet activity.
just do it on Saturday nite ( how geek ? )
that's mean, i can't currently update my bloogy :(
not only this bloogy but also my others online-account like Friendster, MySpace, FaceBook, DeviantArt, YM, etc.
seems bad, i know.
just let it become dull. okay ?
i don't care if i'm not marked as 'exist member'.
isn't my words flip the fact ? haha

so, what i want to share now...
i don't know.
my daily life is just usual, you can read it from my friendlist blog right there.
oh yes, here some pieces of happiness :

* my group become THE BEST DRAMA in class : SHIZUKA, I LOVE YOU :)
*my class-group become the 3rd winner in the GADIS goes to school mading competition ! yeaay ! it's because our article : CELEB IN SMAGA :)
* Rico's pants was felling down on Cheerleader Performance last Saturday ! wkwk :P

i know, the last point was out of topic :P
btw, i miss someone :(



and dad said, " stop the internet, better if you are studying now. "

there i go.


quick update here,
i'm typing it with a hurry. hho

so, here i am,
after wasting my time with my friends ( nyak, ippa, ibuk, petex, sempuk ) just for made MADING - majalah dinding- for tomorrow.

we have some unique idea for it, that is :
you know, there many student in my school who look-a-like celebrity ! ( our opinion)
you wanna know ?

so i'll show you.

and the contest begin...

the nominators are,






so, what's your opinion ? heheh x)
actually, there are many but we're in hurry so we didn't take a lot of pics.

i think,
sasa is more like celebrity than gita gutawa, do you agree ? hha
(sorry for gita lovers :p)
for further, don't miss our mading project friday tomorrow !
special from padepokan.

team maker :
the concept : we wore what we like most.
nyak = academic
ibuk = sport
petex = daily life
sempuk = model
ippa = photography
me = music
and here some pics of us

concept : different style doesn't matter.

reflect your self !

it's just for FUN !

mom knows everything


i wanna share you such as many many many things about my school activity, 2nd group drama, besties, love or anything but i'm not in my condition to do this.
maybe later,

today my emotional mode : ON.
no, no, it doesn't mean that i'm easy to angry with anyone or barking someone (wth ?) or yelling at you.
i'm not angry with anyone, okay ?
(included papung : you get my apologize now)
but i don't know,
maybe some of you had get the effect about this, and i'm sorry.
everything gone fast, and it's so curious.
all mixed and produce bad, really bad.

that's why my mom asked me before i went to bike with my pals this morning,
" do you have problem ? i think your emotion is not good since last week."

mom knows everything.

when i go home, she asked again, "when you want to share with me ? "

" its too much. "
" then you must get it out first. "
and she's right.
before it become junk, i should clean it.

" so, what is that ? school, besties, love, study... ? " she remind me.
" all of that. "
" woa, it gonna take a long time. "
" maybe. "
" say it, after i have meeting. okay ? "
" okay. "
" you allowed to access internet. "
" wow ! thank you mom ! "
" see you after this. "

should i repeat ?
mom knows everything.
even i can hide it from anyone,
she can see it clearly.

Shizuka, I Love You : ACTION !


after you read my last posts, i'll tell you some.


hari ini akhirnya maju drama kelompok satu,
pada nervous semua tuh.
yang bikin ngakak, ambon ngeper soalnya ini pertama kalinya dia jadi cewek. oh ho !
total 3x latian, kita mau ga mau harus tetep maju nih.
asem, kelompok dua ga jadi maju gara - gara kostumnya kebasahan
( tepatnya akal licik ippa & ilham *hha canda )
jam inggris terakhir, mam As dateng, langsung salin.
begitu sampe depan kelas, kita semua miris rasanya liat ambon, cantik. hahahaha

opening drama : nari OST Doraemon (sukses !)
selama drama banyak yang lupa - lupa naskah gitu (termasuk saya) jadinya pada improve semua.
smua pada heboh waktu ditampilin slide show foto - foto romantis Ambon & Andika.
closing : nari lagi
all out lumayan kok,
rasanya legaaaa banget udah maju drama.
thanks to ippa who record it for us ! :D
dan ternyata dapet best actress padahal aku cuma narator lebay. hha alhamdulillah.
all out drama group 1 is okay :)
thank you for all,
thank you for nyaa yg udah ribet - ribet ngurus segala perlengkapan,
ambon yg udah merelakan dirinya. hha
andika yg ngasi komentar sengak terus. xp
ibuk buat waktunya (supersibuk)
buat semuanya juga.
here we are,
group 1 present :


photo by : Mr. Rohib
location : Sasri's home
Sunday, 2nd November 2008
(our first practice)

Nobita : Andika
Shizuka : Ambon
Doraemon : Nyaa
Suneo : Dewi
Giant : Aryanti
Joker : Alfi
Jack : Ibuk
Jo : Ovi
Angel : Amel
Narator : Sasri

good job ! :)
-sayang ga ada foto - foto waktu drama, adanya sih video. mau liat ? hha


wait for our next show. wakakaka

Shizuka, I Love You : part 3 - end


actually, there isn't part 3, but i'll show you some pics of them when they had a relationship alias foto - foto pacaran mereka. hahaha. enjoy !

group 1 present
genre : romantic comedy


starring : Andika as Nobita, Ambon a.k.a Denny as Shizuka
photo by : Nyaa
story & edited by : Sasri
location : Sasri's home
wardrobe : all by Sasri

Shizuka (ambon) waiting for her prince charming.

say it with flowers !


shy shy cat.

akhirnya mau juga dipegang. haha

sangat menjiwai. ckckck

best picture !
-semua pada heboh waktu ngeliat ini. kaya pasangan beneran, ya ga si ? haha


after making this parody,
i wanna say BIG SORRY for my friend : AMBON a.k.a DENNY
yang udah kita paksa & rela mau jadi Shizuka, thanks berat.
maaf ya aib-mu kusebarluaskan,
itung - itung ada produser liat, jadi artis beneran deh kamu. hahaha
*ampun mbon

next : our drama story.
sebenernya cerita Shizuka, I Love You ga kaya yang dibawah tadi, cuma yaa dibikin parodi aja. just for FUN !

Shizuka, I Love You : part 2


for you, this is the 2nd episode of my english drama :)

group 1 present
genre : romantic comedy


starring : Andika as Nobita, Ambon a.k.a Denny as Shizuka
photo by : Nyaa
story & edited by : Sasri
location : Sasri's home
wardrobe : all by Sasri

November 2008
They become teens like usual, Nobita want to say his feelings to Shizuka by gave her a flower.
" Shizuka, where are you ? "

" There she is ! "

" Ehm. Shizuka.... "

" Wooooooow ! How a beautiful flower like me ! Is it for me ? "

" Yes, It is for you... Do you wanna be my girlfriend ? "

" Aww, thank you.. Emm..."
" Please ? "
" Emm.. "
" Pleaseeee ?? "
" Emm... "
" Pleaseeeeee ! "
" Of course, I do. "

...and they will start their journey of love,


( to be continued )

wanna see some pictures of it ?
just wait !

Shizuka, I Love You : part 1


this parody from anime Doraemon is just for fun, we do it for english project. we took some pics in here so i'll tell you what we did last sunday (2/11). have fun all, yooo ! :)

group 1 present

genre : romantic comedy


starring : Andika as Nobita, Ambon a.k.a Denny as Shizuka
photo by : Nyaa
story & edited by : Sasri
location : Sasri's home
wardrobe : all by Sasri

...and the story goes on..

November 1999
As you know that Nobita is a weak nerdy ugly boy. He likes to climb tree like usually monkey does. One day he tried to climb a big, very big tree in somebody's house -actually he want to steal the fruits-

He climbed higher... and higher... and...

OH NO ! he fell down ! ouch ! its hurts !

He started to scream, scream like an autism people -or it was true ? look at his face !

He cried, cried, cried loudly. No one helped him. No one care to him. How poor you were...


Suddenly, someone came out and offered a help for him..

Girl like an Angel ! How beautiful she (or he?) is ! Who is she ? (or he ?)

Nobita felt happy because of her kindness and he feell in love with those girl.


They were introducing each other
" My name is Nobita, and you ? "
" I am Shizuka. "
and they were in love...


( to be continued )

-how's next ? just wait and see ! :D