good bye, 16 !


it's about 1,5 hours more until i reach my 17.
( 17 is number which recognize as teen's mature in Indonesia )
so what's goin on my last 16th day ?

i spent this day with take care my grandma, helped my mom, checked family cashflow ( until it made my eyes turns bad ).
last night my mom, sist & i were in my grandma's hommie.
and my dad was alone in my home.
( mb mun and mr. rohib went to ngawi -or we called mudik- )
anything was okay.

then, at night grace came to my home (again),
just for returned my flashdisk and of course, chit-chat.
hell, kalo sama anak bawel satu ini emang ga abis2 ngomongnya,
nyerocos terus,
ya gossiplah, ya pamer dirilah, ya ngejek2lah, ya ngomongin pergaulan lah,
sampe yg penting : ngomongin cita-cita sama pernikahan.
ternyata bisa juga diajak ngomong serius.
kaya dengerin pengakuan seseorang yg udah tobat.
dan lagi-lagi. pertanyaan itu ditanyain lagi,

" heh jelek, emang kamu mau masuk mana ? "
kayaknya gampang dijawab. tapi bagiku susah bgt.
" emang kamu pengennya jadi apa ? "
tuh kan itu lagi.
" nah kamu sukanya apa ? cari yang sesuai dong sama minatmu. "
nasihat standar. minat banyak, tapi gatau milih yang mana.
" kebanyakan mikir sih."
iya juga sih, gara2 aku yg terlalu pemikir mungkin.
" santai. nanti kan juga ketemu sendiri. kaya aku nih contohnya."
nasehat terakhir ga membantu nih. hha

you success to increase my mood today.
after 1,5 hours talked,
seenggaknya bisa ketawalah secara seharian diem kerja doang.
walopun ada obrolan yang ga mutu, tapi dapet ilmu juga. hha
makasih ya, bawel.

so about my life destination,
i've already told my parents about it.
what can i say ?
even i realize that i haven't 100 % with my choice.
maybe i must try to let it go and trust, this is the best.
and maybe, i must start to live my life independent.
anticipate within' what happens in the future ?
i don't know.
should i know ?

contrary, i really, really have to say thanks to Allah SWT.
because i allowed to life in this world until now and gave me shelter to ruin my life.
because i had received so many grants and pleased,
because i have my beloved family who are loving me ever after,
because i have besties and friends who make my life brighter,
because of things that i can't say one on one.

i hope i can reach all of my dreams.
and all good things will comes to me.

bye bye 16,
welcome 17 :)

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