Well, it took almost 7 months for me to finally say that classic word (again) which I've been used since years ago.
Maybe you bored seeing me with that lame word, or maybe you think "Oh, this person is still alive?" or "Oh, finally she remembers her password.", or you are not even reading this post because this blog is not even passed through your tiny head.
Yes, you are reading the spidey webey 'finally-published-draft' which already sitting for decades inside of this murky bloogy.
Yes, I know you missed the shallow "I'm sorry I left you cold." spoken by me every time I abandon you.
Yes, there are some topic that I promised to be told before but uh-still not seeing anything until now.
Yes, I don't know why suddenly I decide to write this kind of post.
Maybe I miss talking monologue with you (Well, you bloogy, it is not a human tho so I still can use the word --monologue).
Freak, I know it too.
It's been always like that. Thinking about writing almost every single time, but in fact it just happened in the super-duper-randomly-rare time. Writing intention comes at any time, but the writing itself doesn't. So that's why there are uncountable pile of topics behind the door which left me in confusion of how I write it -or should I write it. The thing is, I should start to force myself writing again, Write anything even though no one is reading it. Write anything even though it's not such a matter in issue. Write anything even though it's just a trashy thing, like it always does.
So, hello. Again.
This is how I present to you my very first post in 2016 (which is, 195 days late).
Smell you later, hope it's not 195 days later!
p.s. A LOT of things happened. How to tell it one by one this is so confusing.
p.s.s. Currently challenging myself for doing "Trivial Things I've Never Done Before". Not Important, I know, but let's consider it as another source of simple happiness to yourself. Wohoo splendid.
p.s.s.s. Sorry for the grammar dear Nazi, i'm suck at writing.

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