Welcome to the 03.00 a.m. mind blowing session of mine.
This is the topic that I wanted to write since last month, but you know me, right?
Yes, you are, thanks for your understanding bloogy.
"Are you building your immunity or torturing your mentality?"
This is one out of a million questions that she can't even answer.
You know, the hardest level of questions is now dominated by the question about ourselves. The one we understand the most yet the one we don't understand the most.
Back to the question, which is related with what happened to her lately.
Entering the phase of securing herself towards anything around, you know what she is doing and what will she do, right?
As predicted, she keeps placing the bricks on the invisible wall that she won't ever noticed. She doesn't know what is the purpose of wasting her time and energy by doing this repetitive and endless thing. Do you know what makes it even worse? She doesn't know why she keeps on doing this.
If she said, she is building her immunity, you know that she talks non-sense because the real thing is immunity can't be built by her. The thing she build is just a cover of it, so that she looks tough, strong, and well-prepared about severe things happened to her.
If she said, she is torturing her mentality, you know that she talks non-sense because the real thing is she is not ready with her mentality. The word "torturing" is just a cover of it, so that she doesn't look weak at all and well-prepared about severe things happened to her.
So, when you asked her about this question, you won't find any of "if(s)" I wrote before. Because she doesn't know it. Yet, maybe, or maybe won't ever.
Just don't ask her.
p.s. Another sleepless night, I hope that today I won't lose my focus.

Welcome to the 03.00 a.m. mind blowing session of mine.
This is the topic that I wanted to write since last month, but you know me, right?
Yes, you are, thanks for your understanding bloogy.
"Are you building your immunity or torturing your mentality?"
This is one out of a million questions that she can't even answer.
You know, the hardest level of questions is now dominated by the question about ourselves. The one we understand the most yet the one we don't understand the most.
Back to the question, which is related with what happened to her lately.
Entering the phase of securing herself towards anything around, you know what she is doing and what will she do, right?
As predicted, she keeps placing the bricks on the invisible wall that she won't ever noticed. She doesn't know what is the purpose of wasting her time and energy by doing this repetitive and endless thing. Do you know what makes it even worse? She doesn't know why she keeps on doing this.
If she said, she is building her immunity, you know that she talks non-sense because the real thing is immunity can't be built by her. The thing she build is just a cover of it, so that she looks tough, strong, and well-prepared about severe things happened to her.
If she said, she is torturing her mentality, you know that she talks non-sense because the real thing is she is not ready with her mentality. The word "torturing" is just a cover of it, so that she doesn't look weak at all and well-prepared about severe things happened to her.
So, when you asked her about this question, you won't find any of "if(s)" I wrote before. Because she doesn't know it. Yet, maybe, or maybe won't ever.
Just don't ask her.
p.s. Another sleepless night, I hope that today I won't lose my focus.