No happy new year in here, almost left you more than a month, kindly sorry.
Long post, hope you don't mind.
This should be my last semester for being an undergraduate student. Time flies, I remember the post I made for the joy of graduation and acceptance in my campus about 3,5 years ago. Now less than 6 months, I must be ready to finish my study. Well, although I still continue to get my master here (amin), but let's make it as the short-term goal right now.
No one said that it will be easy, but it won't be that hard, you know.
There's many things I must stand for to get a line with the life-line I decided. Classic academic story like fulfill the minimum requirement of undergraduate GPA to get the fast track scholarship so that I can continue my master. Well, I can't breath with ease yet.
Since the first time I choose this way, I know that I must work harder than everyone else. Harder and even harder. Mostly, they already have their safe condition since the first year, while I'm not. That's my consequence of ruining my first year to get the social activity life and freshmen euphoria. I cries often since the first year until the beginning of second year only because of the bad marks. I'm so weak in math (for sure, I'm not lying), logic, and I'm not interested on electrical neither do programming. Wrong placement of faculty? Absolutely. Some of you've already know that actually I wanna be a doctor, but I swerved and arrived here. Won't be regret because whatever it was, that's my decision. I'm grateful of it, I'm still trying to overcome it, I have to survive until I finish it, and I'm going to get it soon. Amin.
Final assignment along with fast track program, also with the minimum requirement to get the master scholarship (and part-time job). Bismillah.
p.s. You too, people. Don't give up with your goals no matter how hard it is. A goal is a dream with deadline and feasible plan. So, I'll see you on finish line.

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