Random meet at night, how long since the last time we did this, my dear bloogy?
I don't even remember.
Looks like there's so many things I have to do until I left my time for myself. Sometimes I need time for sleep outside the class or just take a rest and doing nothing.
Busy? No, me not.
Actually, I don't really like when people called me busy or activist because of my daily activities. Guys, there's a LOT of people who's busier than me, so please stop for calling me like that.
But, they said I enforce myself. I forced myself to benefit others.
He said, he didn't expect that it will be this hard for communication, moreover arrange a meeting.
My mom said, "When will you sleep properly?"
I think I turned into something else called zombie or panda, err, no- just the eyes.
No sigh, no complain. This is my choice so I must finish it.
Maybe the title should be changed into :
When is the last time you have a "me-time" ?
p.s. Like a bot - do you know what's the meaning?

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