I forget the last time I got angry in front of the people.
But today, it blows up, even though it's not in front of many people because it just me in my room with the pity victim : teddy-bear (I'm sorry, bear. My deep regret)
Mad and emotion.
It buried for a long time because of soooo many reason then I can't handle it anymore.
I hate the feeling of resist the emotion. It almost blows up.
I'm not showing the emotion with the others but then someone said,
"Resist your emotion, now go home then wudhu."
Then I'm going home and wudhu like my friend's suggestion.
It feels better, a bit.
Maybe I should take a nap for a while because I don't have any concentration for doing my tasks.
Preparing my self to fix it tomorrow.
Everything's gonna be okay (cliche).
And sorry for dumped it all to you, dear blog :(

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