So I tried random playlist today and this song is the first song played :
Now Playing..
Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.
Eat that.
Honestly, This song reminds me about 2 people, that ever, yeah ever close to me.
Well, I won't say their name here, but maybe some of you've already know who they are.
(It gonna be a long story, so keep on reading, this is the rare time for me to share the love story bluntly)
It's almost 2 years ago,
I joined a course, there I met them.
One of them is the type of boy who sociable, friendly, and loved by everyone. Call him the sociable boy.
The other is a type of boys that ignorant, stubborn, but very humorous. Just said, the ignorant boy.
Both of them are best friends.
We're together in the same class for about one year.
At first, I'm getting interested with the sociable boy. But, I never told anybody. I just admire him.
But after time goes on, everything changes.
He was interesting.
His bad attitude, obnoxious face, and mocking.
This ignorant boy had shown his interesting side of him.
We are getting closer, exchanging messages, taunting each other, exchanging songs to thousands of files, pick up before leaving the course, visit to my house, playing with my lil' bro, etc.
Isn't it fun when you are spending your time with the person you like ?
But not that easy.
Shortly afterwards, the sociable boy confessed his feelings to me, directly, in the public place, in front of many people and helped by all of my course class mates -included him, the ignorant boy.
He-the sociable boy- prepared it well, with the full decoration.The crowd said, " Say yes! Say yes!"
I saw him, the ignorant boy.
nodded his head framed by a sheer smile.
Now I know why people said, friendship is more important than love.
Then I said yes.
So him, the sociable boy, become my boyfriend, that time.
I know, I was wrong. But it already happened.
After that, me and the ignorant boy were a bit away from each other.
2 weeks after that, there would be a mini show in my course place.
Before that, the ignorant boy, play and sing a song with his guitar after the class over.
I made bold to ask,
"Hey, what's the title of the song ?"
He stop playing and asked, "Why ? You like it ?"
"I think so."
"The title is Your Guardian Angel."
"And the singer ?"
"The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus."
"Is it hard to play it on guitar ?"
"Not that much. Come, I'll teach you how to play it."
Then he taught me how to play the song.
He patiently taught me, he also sings a little.
But maybe I was nervous, so I couldn't hear what he said that time clearly. But I'm sure, he said it.
"I will play and sing this song for you at the show tomorrow."
and I just stayed.
The day comes, the show begin.
The ignorant boy performed first with his band, brought some songs.
After that, he proved his promise, he went up on stage with the acoustic guitar, but the thing that surprised me is that he also went up on stage, the sociable boy.
"The following special acoustic appearance from us, Your Guardian Angel by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatuss. Feel free to listen."
Then they played it.
The ignorant boy stared me while he sing.
Even a frame couldn't describe how it was.
After the show, I was immediately taken home by the sociable boy. I did not get to chat with the ignorant boy.
At that time, an incoming message from the ignorant,
'Hey fussy, how about the performance ? Do you like it ? :p'
'Amazing, thank you :) but why you didn't tell me that he (the sociable boy) joined to perform ?'
'He asked me suddenly, I think he's jealous with me haha :p'
'How come ? You must be kidding. But it was great, seriously.'
'He asked me not to get close on you, so maybe we can't go on like this again. Anyway thanks, unfortunately, he's your boyfriend.'
As you can guess, after that the relationship between me and the ignorant boy stretched, and soon I broke up with the sociable boy.
We all know this could be happened.
At first, It was awkward. We all do not contact each other again for some months. Three of us.
But now, everything's okay. We already have a new story. Each of us.
When I remembered, it was like seeing the foolishness of the past.
But then I smiled,
This is part of my story that can become a memory.
Besides that, I also experienced myself when friendships take precedence over love.
I understand that.
and if the song was played, automatically I will remember this story.
p.s. Friendships take precedence over love. I agree that.