I want to know what's your expression when i'm come back here, writing such an annoyed post that disturbing your sleep, Bloogy ?
Wake up ! Give your total attract for me, your majesty. Oh, you have ? Okay, that's good.
Now can I start my sentences ? Don't be fall a sleep, please.
Bandung is an unpredictable city like I spent my last Saturday and Sunday Nite with my new friends, my homeboys pom - pom boys. You're rockin' awesome, you've made it ! I can laugh afterall i spent my time with you all, sillys. Thank you, sick ! hahaha
Bandung also an unpredictable stories, especially for love stories.
' We're in the same town but different stories. '
The special tagline I've made for describe what i feel now. Classy, but naturally.
As through I met some friends, almost are in a relathionship status, which mean they are taken. Most of them passing through Long Distance Relationship or we called LDR (and most of them have same shape : Jakarta - Bandung Relationship). And some of their relationship just start to be broken.
I've seen how it happened, and why ? Because they are not ready to start Long Distance Relationship or the other factors ( read : new people zz )
I'm here not to critic or insult you who is reading my post and maybe have the same thing like what i said before, okay. I'm sorry.
What ? Nah, I'm not interested on starting Long Distance Relationship, seriously I won't.
I ended my last relationship because I don't want to get include LDR in my life.
You told me that I'm a coward ? Whatever you said, I-don't-care Baby.
Beside all of many LDR problems, I prefer to pass Close Distance Relationship ( weird ? yeah it is)
In the same town, in the same place, in the same college.
We're in the same town, no matter it was.
But, what i feel now is still too far than i admired.
People I interested in has his own life, his own stories. Sometimes I don't know that does he okay there ? Are you okay with your girlfriend ?
We're in the same town but different stories.
Kita satu kota beda cerita.
It is just same with Long Distance Relationship.
Then, which one better ?
p.s. Put your smile again on your face, nah, that's looks better, boy.

3 comment(s):
set dah..sas..
blognya pake english semuanya..
LDR is so "beatiful"..LOL
coz we cannot just believe what your beloved do everyday at another place..
maybe sometimes she/he with another guy/girl..
we cannot control it..
hahahha,,lama dah ga ngoment postinganmu,,,
@ mas aswin : iyaa makanya I don't believe in Long Distance Relationship. hehe Close Distance is better ! haha
@ gembul : hahaha ayo kamu ngeblog lagi mbul..
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