hey you the 12th graders, GOOD LUCK !


i'm sure that all of you esp. for the 12th grade of highschool have already know about the important event coming next week (20/4 - 24/4), which is :


for the moment, for our tryhardness, for our wishes and hopes.
let's try and pray for the best,
hope all of we could be 'GRADUATE' together this year. amin
we know we can !

i'm sorry for the mistakes that i did to you. let's fight together !
so, GOOD LUCK y'all !

p.s. pray for me too ! hehe. let's pray and try together ! fight !

4 comment(s):

Ridho said...

semangat !!! berdoa sebelum mngerjakan!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

sama2 kelas 12nya.... :D
sukses milik kita semua yaa!
pasti dapet nilai max! amiinn... doain gw juga'.

Dyah Diwasasri said...

@ ridho : makasii. hehe :)
@ alviss : iya ni, kita berjuang bersama yaa. saling mendoakan !