Welcoming Sun-kissed!


Things are never been better when you try to include yourself in a program called self-healing. Improve yourself with something that makes you feel good, whether you learn something or throw yourself into self-satisfactory activities.

And I have soft spot for traveling tho... so 2 days before new adventure trip comin' forward!

Shot from my last trip in Bira. Anw that's hair not brown bushes.

p.s. Been a year, thought it was just yesterday. Never expected for being through it.

This past few days,


I realized that this brain of mine was full of things to be thought out and the mood was just stink like disaster. Even I confused about this free fall from the tip of my own eyes. I smell the turbulence and recast will come in short period of time.

Not a good instinct at all.

And for a while, I just want to forget all things that happened.