So I'm trying to make Bulgogi, Toppoki/Tteokbokki, and Dumplings!


Almost everyday rain strikes the city, the weather is cold, or really cold. I'm not blaming the rain, but I don't like to wear the clothes-that-I-won't-ever-to-wear-because-of-the-bad-design for this kind of reason. I catch a cold and fever too for the past week, so I think I don't have another choice except keep wearing "that clothes". And this morning I struck my self on library again. Looks diligent, nerd, and smart? Thank you. 

Yesterday I cooked some Korean Food (Bulgogi, Toppoki/Tteokbokki, and Dumplings) because I'm curious with my cooking talent. Although the appearance is not mouth-watering, it's still edible. The recommended one is Bulgogi, I don't expect that the taste will be this edible, I think there's a luck here. I put the most effort on Toppoki (because I made the Tteok by myself). I ever made dumplings before so the taste is absolutely okay. For you who have my social media account should be bored by seeing this picture haha. Please excuse.

Self-made Bulgogi, Toppoki/Tteokbokki, and Dumplings. Once more, it's edible.
Smell you later, I gotta back to thesis (?). Actually I'm not really sure about it.

p.s. Please stay warm, it's really cold today and there's flood happened.

A reason why people choose silhouette, because sometimes you need a blackout from your knotty life, just to restart and do it better.

Yeah, you do.

(Picture taken from here)

Another Mainstream Post


We meet again at night, it's a bit nostalgic time isn't it, bloogy? No? Okay.

As we know that 2014 is on our feet right now and I haven't made any decision yet. How troublesome. I made a deadline which is the last December, but as I said before, there is still no decision. People were making the 'new year resolutions' point by point. And for those who could accomplish that this year, wow these people are no joke. 

By the burdened things happened, what am I supposed to do is....make a decision, chase the decision, and got my master degree on July 2014, amin. Let's just make it as simple as possible, because the detail of your resolution would be better saved in your brain area, and you better think of how you wouldn't ruin it out by your own excuse.

On the other hand, I made some new social accounts like in Instagram and Path. That's why you are allowed to categorize me as another mainstream person. Whatsoever.

p.s. Is it proper enough as the welcoming-new-year-post? No? Okay.