By the beginning of August, I just realized that I left you hanging more than 2 months. I missed June and July. Deeply sorry about that, dear bloogy. You know what happened, you know the reason why I should left you cold. June and July 2013 probably has some historical moments for me.
5 June 2013.
It was my thesis defense. Uncountable sleepless night to stake it with so much despair, howl, and worry. But it was running smoothly on the D-day. Relieved, that's the word. Alhamdulillah :)
13 July 2013.
It was my graduation day. That day was mine. Never imagine that I've been college student for about 4 years. People right, time flies and sometimes we never realized. One of my happiest day ever. Family, best friends, and friends give their time to enliven the day. Is there any reason not to be grateful for this kind of happiness? Grateful, that's the word. Alhamdulillah :)
Is that it? No. Not this questions.
"What will you do after graduate? Are you sure about that?"
And after that, just like the post-graduate syndrome, I have a safe-cliche-answer called "I took fast track magister program. No, not study abroad. I'm still here." Hey, I've already make my 60 years life map, but there is fear inside my head. Combination of unsatisfaction, worry, disappointed, anger, and shame. "I'm not really sure."
"What makes you different?"
I could start babbling about something unique or something that differs me from others like my experience, my skills, my ability, bla-bla-bla. But actually the real answer inside my head is, "No, Sir. I still don't know yet."
"Are you deserve this?"
Graduation because of my thesis or graduation because of what I've done this past 4 years? Both of it has the same answer, "No. Not for now," because I still have a lot of works to prove the world that I really deserves it. Graduation is not only for formality.
Well, that was the haver that stuck in my frontal lobe. Like I said, post-graduate syndrome. You'll understand when you experienced it. For the nicely done finishing I would say uncountable thanks for all of you who comes, greet, giving appreciation, and enlighten the day. The day was mine, next is yours! Here is some snapshots.

That day was mine :)
p.s. Graduation is gratifiying, trust me :)

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