It's 01.38 a.m.
They are sleeping now, it should be our time to finish 2 deadlines and study for magister exam today. But, no, none at all.
Just arrived from graduation nite, haven't been in my place for about 3 days in a row.
Having a short conversation with one friend,
"Does everything went well?"
"Seems to be better then before?"
"Yes, very, very much better now."
"Feeling much better?"
"Yes, uhm, what it called- ah, freedom."
Seems like you're feeling much better right now, then I must be glad for it.
Plunged in thought for a moment, how much you've restrained your self before it and how contemptible she was.
No one is as bad as this woman.
Unfortunately, the woman is sitting in front of you right now, typing her stupid lines.
Before she make it as a draft, or accidentally publish it.
Anyway, it seems familiar.
I think the phrase "Are you feeling much better now?" already comes up 2 or 2,5 years ago.
p.s. proper sleep, let's get it on the next 2 days.

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