So, I'm back again. Miss me bloogy?
Like I said before that during last summer I've been somewhere doin'' some project for about almost 7 weeks. Where? Somewhere.
Life changing experience, my turning point, amazing, unforgetable moment, etc etc etc like all Exchange Participant always said when they were asking by people about their internship.
Me? Well, actually it's not a big different with it. But I can't write all my experiences here because I don't know how to write it all -haha.
I remember the time when I asked by her about what kind of things that I expected from my internship. It was about 4 months ago in the early morning at 3 a.m.
Just a line, "It's not about what you get but what you give."
I keep on that words during my time here because you'll never know what will you get and sometimes everything's happens below your expectations.
First time is always hard but later it won't be.
I give my best, I never think that did I get things in the same amount with what I give to them.
And by keeping that line in mind, I get more than I give.
I said that line too in candle ceremony, and one of my children said that, "I'll keep your words in my mind so that I won't forget you. Spokkoi nochi (Have a nice dream)." then she hug and kiss me before she went to the bed.
Just a little thing but I was very happy and touched..
Many things happened behind this special line, special for me.
But time's out, I need to sleep first because I think my eyes don't want to have a deal now.
So, until next time.
p.s. Neutral, I think.

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