How's going ?
This is the end of January, 1 month after the new year, but what I've done ?
Well, lately I often posts on my Tumblr site rather than here, so I'm sorry.
I promised you before, I'll write about my random thought here, so here it is.
Yeah, that word really blocked my way for doing the normal things in a relationship.
Some experiences from the past is greatly affect my attitude for doing this things which is I used to act like didn't care with anything happened, automatically make a gap between me and the person, etc
Why I'm doing that stupid things ? Because I want to get away from the person (I don't have any exhilarating experience on this)
That's effective and easy to get over it.
But the problem is, it's totally affect me NOW in the different condition because this time I was in unconscious state - want to get along with this person.
and like you guess, here comes the problem.
Even it was clearly done, but I'm worry about the next time if this habit is coming up and make it worse (please don't).
Well, I'm trying to change it and the reason is just for that person. That's it.
This post is cheesy. Uhm man, this is not my style after all. If it's not because that captious person, I won't ever write it.
p.s. You get my words on this

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