So, it was bad.
I didn't posted anything - I mean anything ! in last April.
I'm sorry bloogy, I'm the bad owner for lettingyou cold for so many times (let's count it, 1..2.. oh well so on)
Maybe the reason is I'm busy with this college rush.
What ? I said busy ? b-u-s-y ?
I'm not that important to judge myself as busy person, so let's say... My day fulfilled by many random activities : still, Marching Band for the first, then all college d*mn assignments.
Yeah well-okay the conclusion is I'm lazy to write on you, that's the right answer.
So, It's already May, and do you know how pronounced this month ?
okay, that's good, with all big assignment for each college thingy that make "I want holiday" stuck in my mind all over time.
Skip that.
On last May, we'll have Mini Show Colour Guard (include audition for GPMB 2010), pray for the best, practice for the success !
and anyway, I love my classmates now, in the last few days of TPB (Tahap Persiapan Bersama) we are getting more solid and fun - hell yeah, then we think, "Why now, not from early we met?"
I love stei4nsos. the anti-socialis class with brutalism inside, I love them. I don't want us to be separated :(
For my major, finally I decided to choose STI (Technology and Information System) than IF (Informatics). Why ? because the STI members are G4VL ( oh no-it just a jokes, don't make it seriously)
because I interested with the management thing, actually. Hope it is the best choice.
I miss my old friend, my old besties, and my family. Through I rarely get in contact with them, actually I miss-you-so-much, people.
Last, about love. How could I haven't get any boyfriend here ? Not because there aren't people interested with me haha but I'm not interested with anybody right now, but don't judge me, I'm still on the right track.
So, have I done yet ? I think so, I write too much haha
I'll see you next time, I love you bloogy.
p.s. Can't wait for this holiday

So, it was bad.
I didn't posted anything - I mean anything ! in last April.
I'm sorry bloogy, I'm the bad owner for lettingyou cold for so many times (let's count it, 1..2.. oh well so on)
Maybe the reason is I'm busy with this college rush.
What ? I said busy ? b-u-s-y ?
I'm not that important to judge myself as busy person, so let's say... My day fulfilled by many random activities : still, Marching Band for the first, then all college d*mn assignments.
Yeah well-okay the conclusion is I'm lazy to write on you, that's the right answer.
So, It's already May, and do you know how pronounced this month ?
okay, that's good, with all big assignment for each college thingy that make "I want holiday" stuck in my mind all over time.
Skip that.
On last May, we'll have Mini Show Colour Guard (include audition for GPMB 2010), pray for the best, practice for the success !
and anyway, I love my classmates now, in the last few days of TPB (Tahap Persiapan Bersama) we are getting more solid and fun - hell yeah, then we think, "Why now, not from early we met?"
I love stei4nsos. the anti-socialis class with brutalism inside, I love them. I don't want us to be separated :(
For my major, finally I decided to choose STI (Technology and Information System) than IF (Informatics). Why ? because the STI members are G4VL ( oh no-it just a jokes, don't make it seriously)
because I interested with the management thing, actually. Hope it is the best choice.
I miss my old friend, my old besties, and my family. Through I rarely get in contact with them, actually I miss-you-so-much, people.
Last, about love. How could I haven't get any boyfriend here ? Not because there aren't people interested with me haha but I'm not interested with anybody right now, but don't judge me, I'm still on the right track.
So, have I done yet ? I think so, I write too much haha
I'll see you next time, I love you bloogy.
p.s. Can't wait for this holiday

5 comment(s):
ternyata temen saya nun jauh disana bs survive ya,,salut2,,hahaha
haha alhamdulillah.
kita semua harus bisa survive mbul :)
nantinya hidup bakal lebih keras
STI G4VL? Hahaha.. yes, that's maybe the right reason why did you choose this major.
ahaha hope this is the right choice, let's survive kak romi! :)
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