I've told you in my recent post that I've joined Marching Band Waditra Ganesa (MBWG-ITB). My position is Colour Guard (CG) or you could say Flag Players.
In last holiday we joined intensive practice for about 10 days before new semester coming up.
So I want to show you how we are practice, how my skin turn dark so fast, how muscle form in our hand, how wounds crashed our body, how tired we are, and how happyyyy our feels ! :)
Open your eyes and see, maybe you'll get interest with one of these girls haha
Practice Time :

Break Time, the weather is so damn hot.

Her name is Lily !

Look out these muscle !

..and our muscle !

You can see how different it is. It's Sandy's.

Always have spirit !

We are PINKA CG 09 :)

and it is me.
We'll perform our FIRST PERFORMANCE on March, 5th 2010 in ITB.
come, see, and wish for our luck :)
p.s. Finally I do what I want to do :)