helloooo everybody, what's going on ? :D
long time no see, write, or just take a look in my bby bloggy. hehe
yes. after graduation day (100% graduate alhamdulillah) and had spent the best highschool prom nite ever (see my fb for the pics),
i'm declined from social networking (facebook, blogging, ym, etc) for about 2-3 weeks.
because of the reason 'searching for the best future' is now begin, i must have leaved it for a while. hehe
about my big dream, itb. i'm still unfortunate on the entrance test last month, but it didn't make me down.
having itb as the first choice in SNMPTN, maybe some people could say 'how dare you ?' or 'nekat amat sih ?'
my bestie ever asked anyone about being optimistic or realistic ?
being optimistic to reach your big dream (even though it's very very HARD to realize it)
or being realistic ? choose the 'save choice' one, and postpone your big dream ?
at first, i said realistic, i choosed the save one.
then, it changed after my uncle had said " there is no different between optimistic and realistic, the most important is you still move on to the top and get your best. "
how can i forget something important like that ?
i want to dare my fortune once again, reach my dream and being optimistic.
i'll fight 'till the last !
no matter why, i just want to be relief.
whatever the result it is, wish me bring you a great story on the next post ! hhe
so, see ya next week :)
p.s. i really miss my highschool time. hiks ;(