HELLOokay this is my first post in 2010, and maybe so last moment for saying "Welcome 2010!" for you.
and i'm sorry, besides so many organization event and Marching band activities that I must attend, here I (for the times) left you cold, again.
i've so many stories to tell, so many pics to share, and so many random thought to waste but now isn't the suit time to doing that kind of things because I've to go to Marching Band intensive practice about half-hour again.
ck. okay, random, for first.
as the flow, i'm unrelief.
so many problems faced, then solved.
but the end result are not all match like what I wanted before.
then I found how pathetic I am when I said,
"I'm regret for not doing this before, " or
"Why I'm not trying hard from the first time so that I shouldn't regret in the end ?"
I remember that I ever wrote about this,
"Don't ever you regret in the end of the bad situation." and
"This is not important when you count your failure but how you get up and trying again."
I think, I should said it to myself, now.
so, it's almost the time, I've to go,
see you in someday.
p.s. laughing maybe help